Monday, June 30, 2008

engaged! jon & rosa

i'm shooting jon & rosa's wedding in october, so we met up two weeks ago to get some engagement pictures. they were such a fun & relaxed couple to shoot.  here are some of my favorites (which were hard to narrow down!) from our shoot in lancaster city. click on the images to see them bigger...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

congratulations class of '08!!!

just wanted to congratulate you guys, class of '08 and wish you luck and God's best for your plans for the future!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

more of kristin's senior portraits...

here are some more of my favs from kristin's senior shoot.  i loved all the ones featuring her ballet & tap shoes, so i just had to post some more!

Monday, June 16, 2008

abbey's graduation, LS 2008

my "little" sister, abbey graduated from LS high school last friday.  it's hard to believe that four years ago this was me (from lmh)...time flies.  here are some shots from this memorable night.  abbey plans to go into missions with ywam in australia (yay!  like me!) and who knows where God will take her from there...i'm so proud of you, ab!

ab receiving her diploma


dad & mom

brothers, josh & isaiah

me (thanks to pop-pop!)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

kristin's senior portraits

last weekend i went to county park and downtown and shot kristin's senior portraits.  kristin is abbey's friend from high school.  if you were at jay and my wedding, you may recognize her...she is the one who did the beautiful worship dance in our ceremony.  she is a very talented dancer and beautiful girl!  here are some of the shots i have edited so far.  i'm sure i'll post more...they are so hard to pick from!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

the wissler family

jay and i met up with the wissler family on memorial day to take some family portraits while everyone was home (from college, etc). jay and i have known the wissler family for years, since we went to high school with jordan.   there was not a cloud in the sky that day, so we moved around, trying to find some shade on their property! here are some on any of the images to see them bigger...