well...i am back from my week of traveling to boston & nyc. it was a lot in one week...but so much fun. i got spoiled being able to walk outside my hotel and practically walk wherever i wanted to, yet it's refreshing being back here in lancaster. now i need to catch up on lots of editing, emails, and orders...and of course blogging.
about a month ago, i shot kelly's senior portraits. this was my last shoot that abbey assisted me with before leaving for australia. we enjoyed a beautiful evening on the king's farm, riding around on the gator. kelly's such a sweet, laid-back girl. she's a senior at octorara, plays on the tennis team, and has hundreds of cows on her property, of which her mom can name each one...even from the back! how crazy is that?! we got some shots of her with christmas, her cow she recently showed at the solanco fair. kelly, thanks for the fun senior shoot...! we enjoyed meeting your family and getting some sweet shots of you on the farm!