Saturday, November 29, 2008

kona...six months!!!

so jay & i don't have kids yet, so you're going to have to bear with me (as jay rolls his eyes)...! kona turned six months old yesterday, so i just had to post some pics of her! (no, i didn't do a six month old shoot of her, but i did recently take an adorable photo of her for our christmas card, so stay tuned for that). here are some from the day we got her, and then over the past few months. she's so big now...!

kona's on top

kona (second from the left) was the first to go out of her brothers & sisters. we wanted the runt!

first bath!

Friday, November 28, 2008


i can barely believe how time flies and we all grow up so fast...on wednesday, my childhood next door neighbor and best bud got engaged.  congratulations kristen...can't believe we'll soon both be married old ladies! i'll never forget all our fulton street fun....! dave, you've won the heart of an amazing girl!

me & kristen 

kristen, me and our two little sisters, abbey (mine) & alyssa (kristen's) on my big day 10.14.07

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

holiday cards

here are two holiday cards i've designed for clients... there is still time to order yours! orders take about a week to process, so just make sure you let me know you if you are interested soon, so that i have time to design, order, and get them to you to send out by christmas. or if you'd prefer new years cards, we can do that, too!  click on the examples to see them clearer.

amber's senior shoot

going back a month or so ago....was amber's senior shoot. she was one of my last seniors for the year. we enjoyed finding some neat spots at the historic poole forge. i had taken a bridal party there back in the spring, so it was fun to go back and have some more time using all the beautiful spots!

amber, i had a great time working with you! enjoy your last months at garden spot!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

it's been a while...

a lot of people have been asking..."where are some new posts?!?!" i had stopped posting on here for a while, in hopes that i could get my new & improved blog up and running with all the latest posts...but it's taking a bit longer than i thought to get it set up. so stay tuned and i will try to catch up here!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

the smoker family

back to catching up on blogging....

i met the smoker family in fall of '06 while volunteering at fundaniños orphanage, guatemala. they were serving as directors there, and i went back for the second year in a row to help out around the orphanage. while living there, they began the seeking the adoption process for melody, who is now their daughter (you can definitely see her crazy personality come out in these pictures!) it's fun seeing them back here in lancaster county and remembering all our fun times in guat! here are some from their recent family shoot on their beautiful property. 

*if you or anyone you know has adopted a child in the past year, please contact me. i think adoption is the coolest thing (both of my brothers are adopted), and so i offer a free shoot and cd of images to any family who would like to celebrate their new addition to the family!*

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

he's here....!

keene michael lehman arrived this morning at 5:03. i woke up to a text at 3:45 am that said, "to the hospital! baby is on the way. pray 4 us!" and i was pretty confused...and then began to freak out! derv & mary are good friends of ours from church, along with their two sweet kids, mark & jade. jay & i spent the day with their family this past sunday, getting some family/pregnancy shots, and mary went into labor less than 48 hours later! none of us were expecting it quite yet...she wasn't due for ten more days! but mary is amazing and she delivered beautiful keene in one hour! i was so excited and blessed to be a part of documenting such an incredible moment!

more to come....!