Thursday, November 6, 2008

the smoker family

back to catching up on blogging....

i met the smoker family in fall of '06 while volunteering at fundaniños orphanage, guatemala. they were serving as directors there, and i went back for the second year in a row to help out around the orphanage. while living there, they began the seeking the adoption process for melody, who is now their daughter (you can definitely see her crazy personality come out in these pictures!) it's fun seeing them back here in lancaster county and remembering all our fun times in guat! here are some from their recent family shoot on their beautiful property. 

*if you or anyone you know has adopted a child in the past year, please contact me. i think adoption is the coolest thing (both of my brothers are adopted), and so i offer a free shoot and cd of images to any family who would like to celebrate their new addition to the family!*

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