Thursday, April 9, 2009


what would i do if i had no hope? 

this question has been on my mind throughout the past few days. when i heard of the lmh senior, micah, who was in a bad car crash earlier this week. i couldn't help but flash back to my senior year...and relive those terrible memories of hearing that ryan (a classmate since elementary school) had been killed in a car accident. nothing can explain in those moments how you feel, yet i can't even comprehend what the families' must be going through. it makes you question a lot of things....but from somewhere, somehow, God comforts me and says He will grieve with us, and carry us through. He holds the answers to all of those questions we battle and cannot comprehend. He holds us and comforts us. and He gives us hope....hope to carry on.

micah's family, we are praying for you. and we are rejoicing with your son as he hangs out with Jesus today.

i don't usually write this personal on my business blog...but i felt i should today...i just needed to for some reason. God is doing something big. God has given me hope. this time last year, i was finally getting out of bed again. for those of you who don't know, i was real sick last year. it hit sometime in january and i felt like i was going to die. no, it doesn't compare to what a lot of people have to go through, but it was a journey God brought me on and continues to...and it has brought me hope. i went back to my natural doctor this past monday and she had the most incredible news. she said i am better...that i am healthy again. and while some numbers are still a little off, my immune system is strengthened and my body is functioning well again. what a thing to be thankful for...that's so easy to take for granted. i am so blessed. and there's no way that those parasites will keep me away from australia, fiji, guatemala...etc again! when God says it's time...i am there!

"...but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."...isaiah 40:31

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so blessed to have you as a friend. I pray for you, always, and am right there with ya claiming HOPE over all these circumstances! :) I'm also VERY thankful that you're healthy again! We will see you soon, I hope!